奉化市亿伟脉冲阀厂自创办以来,通过多年的努力并致力于科技开发,重视人才管理,大力推行现代化企业管理制度,使的工厂规模不断扩大,产品种类日益增加,工艺技术等得到进一步的完善,特别是近年通过国外先进电子技术引进,自行开发出各种类型的在线、离线时序脉冲控制仪、手动及遥控脉冲控制仪,脉冲阀.脉冲阀膜片及其配件专为除尘设备配套。工厂是一家集科研、开发、制造、销售为一体的产业化实体,拥有先进的电子产品检测仪器,雄厚的技术力量、精良的制造设备、现代化的科学管理、可靠的质量保证,赢取了国内外用户的信赖。 我们的宗旨是:高质量,守信誉。 我们的信念是:以专业敬业,创造完美品质。 本厂以诚信为本,强化质量管理,加大科技投入求发展为宗旨,我们不断创新,完善管理体制,精工配套、精密加工、精诚合作,共同受益,在新老用户的厚爱和关心支持下,为了祖国的蓝天工程把我们的环保事业推向美好的明天。 同时良好的业务咨询,优质的售后服务是我们工作的重点,我们会将良好的服务继续保持下去。厂领导携全体员工热忱欢迎新老客户惠顾合作,来电来函洽谈。 Fenghua Yiwei Pulse Valve Co.,Ltd. is a manufacturer and supplier of a suite of products and services.Totally focused on the provision of solution to industry and the environment. Our main products include on-time / off-time dust collector cleaning systems controller,manual and auto control controller,pulse valve, diaphragm and other accessories for the cleaning systems. These products are renowned for their quality, robustness, high performance, innovation and ease of installation. Their technology is acknowledged as market leading, offering tailored solutions for the world’s dust collector manufacturers and system users. At Yiwei we work closely with our clients to tailor the best solution and not just offer a product. From industrial components and instruments to complete ‘turn-key’ solutions, Yiwei is positioned to meet all your needs. |